Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Drug (Jakafi) Approved by the FDA to Treat Myelofibrosis

No more is Myelofibrosis a threatening disorder. After so many years of research and waiting, the researchers have been able to incept a medication that can treat this rare bone disorder known as Myelofibrosis. The FDA (Food And Drug Administration) has never before approved any medication to treat this disorder. Jakafi (Ruxolitinbin) is the first successful medication that is approved by the necessary standard boards to treat the same.

Jakafi manufactured by Incyte Corporation has to be consumed twice a day. This Incyte Corporation has its partnership with Swiss Drugmaker Novartis. 

Myelofibrosis is this bone disorder where one has scares instead of the marrow that has to be present. This means the body is unable to produce the necessary blood cells. One is prone to problems like anemia and any sort of other infections in the body. One can also suffer from extrameddulary hematopoiesis. Though there is no particular cause of this severe disorder, it can result because of leukemia or lymphoma. 

Richard Pazdur who is the Director of the Office of Hematology and Oncology Products in the FDA Department has been appreciating the process of the invention of this medication where it is based on the process of understanding of disorder and the problems that the sufferer undergoes. generic viagra

This medication was out on a comparative study along with the placebo effect and other sorts of therapy like hydroxyureo. Jakafi however proved to be successful amongst all with patients experiencing 50% better results. Though like every medication, Jakafi can also have its own list of adverse effects including nausea, fatigue and thrombocytopenia. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Avanafil details to be disclosed at the sexual medicine society meet in North American

Sildenafil and Tadalafil are couple of proficient substances which are vastly used for the reduction of erectile dysfunction (ED). This is a health ailment that is noticed in the male gender due to which they are unable to enjoy their intimate life that is the sexual life activities. Presently, there is another chemical known as Avanafil that is being developed for the similar purpose. This is taken into consideration sighting the strong developments of the male health care industry in different parts of the globe. This invention of Avanafil is ought to do a lot of good to the sexually ill people who are finding it tough to cope up with the hurdles on bed and create a successful sexual intercourse experience that satisfies their partners as well as themselves.

Avanafil is quite similar to the other sexual enhancing chemicals mentioned above; it is a strong Selective Phosphodiesterase Type 5 inhibitor for treating the erectile dysfunction discomfort from its core. The type-5 (PDE-5) medical product has been licensed from Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharmacy Corporation and is considered to be extremely safe for consumption on prescription format.

The marketing of the substance is yet to be done on a large scale and this activity is estimated to be taken in full swing as and when the company comes up with a dedicated product in the healthcare market. Nevertheless, there are certain important aspects that are to be completed and looked upon before launching the sexual improvement product with the sole inclusion of Avanafil.

However, there are strong expectations with the chemical and the products are backed to have a great run just like the top quality products which includes a very close ingredient in the form of Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra).