Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sexual Dysfunction in Men Linked to Partner's Friendship with Males

Sexual dysfunction is rampant these days when our lifestyle and way of living has become very irregular. This dysfunction is often the result of a condition called as erectile dysfunction. There are several studies that have been conducted recently and according to one of those, there have been found a revealing fact about male impotency. It is observed that erectile dysfunction is more prominently found in males in situations when there female partners share strong relationships with their male friends.

Benjamin Cornwell, professor of sociology at Cornell University and Edward Laumann, professor of sociology at the University of Chicago has come up with a new conclusion. They say that there is a condition known as “partner betweenness” wherein a man’s female partner share a stronger rapport than he himself with his male friends. This causes the female romantic partner to come in between the man and his friends.

According to these expert scientists from renowned Universities, the syndrome of ‘partner betweenness’ can dampen a man’s feelings of autonomy and privacy, which are central to traditional concepts of virility.

For conducting this study, data was taken from over 3,000 Americans whose age range from 57 to 85 years. Amongst them, around one fourth of the men were seen to have experienced ‘partner betweenness’. This problem occurs mostly in men whose ages range between 57 and 64, a transition time when partners genuinely feel the need of each other. This is the time when sex plays a very important role as partners lose the usual grip over their youth zest.

Edward Laumann quoted in Chicago Sun-Times “This is when people are retiring, leaving the work force, reorganizing their life. This is very threatening to a male’s understanding of himself,” he also observes that it is not the mere taking of pills that leads to such adverse effects on the erectile dysfunction. The reason is deep within. Social and psychological reasons lead to such conditions in men. Erectile dysfunction medicines such as Viagra or Kamagra

He additionally said that this excessive attachment with the husband’s friends and repetitive alignment with their thoughts and ideals dampen the spirits of their husbands and leads to identity loss and lack of self confidence. This in turn leads to the inability to perform sexually as his mind is already doomed into diffidence.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Try This Unusual Method to Reduce Depression

It is time in your life, if you believe your sorrow and pain, perhaps the death of loved ones, or falling apart,and relationship.I know how it feels to be depressed. Pregnancy in the chest and weakness of life, numbness, feeling cut off and the feeling of hopelessness.
Many people start taking antidepressants when they feel being depressed. Let me tell you antidepressants help you for short period of time. There are many ways that can recede depression level. Depression badly affects various life-style aspects of life such as it leads to erectile dysfunction, hair loss.
Despair: I know it varies from person to person, as well symptoms. Depression is more than the Blues. It can be a killer, especially among young people. Many do not suffer not want to risk the side effects that some prescription drugs do. Here are some ideas to deal with depression natural and healthy manner.
Spend Time: To spend time quietly and gently ask the feelings and thoughts of what they want. Wait and see if the answer comes. I do not think some of you are depressed you need to pay attention to it. This allows you to start with heal.Get something you know you are good at. When it reaches the target Improve your self-esteem. This naturally raises You can spirits.
Meditate: Meditation helps the mind to release tension. Meditation tape can guide, how to act. Relaxation and rest is the key to making a noise mind. Keep Journal and write down the emotions, it helps you keep track of your depressive episodes. This in turn can lead you all to raise nutritional or emotional, and you can manage before they start. Eat enough fruits and vegetables, and make sure that the iron and thyroid levels are where they should be.
Nutrition: has an important role in energy level and body functioning. If something is not right in our body, it can occur mood. To pay special attention to food intake.Exercise, especially aerobic raise the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is useful to add mood. Many prescription drugs on the market will increase serotonin levels medication, while the use of this course.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

First FDA approved Anti-venom Medicine

After a relatively small trial FDA has approved anti venom medicine known as Anascorp. Anascrop (an intravenous therapy) is indicated to treat venom of Arizona bark scorpion. The medicine which was available before this approval was not approved by FDA as the treatment was producing severe side effects such as Anaphylaxis (acute multi-system).

Bark scorpion is most venomous one. Its sting can cause paralysys in stung part, severe pain, mouth frothing and vision problem.

Earlier, researchers could not get FDA approval for Anascorp because of lack of clinical trials. There were some obstacles to have participants as exposing people to highly venomous sting was potential risk. But Dr Leslie Boyer knew how important anti-venom was and she searched for hospitals that were ready carry out clinical trial on patients stung by Bark Scorpio. Dr Leslie decided to carry out an open trial.

Initially Dr Leslie found only two hospitals ready to participate. In a year, fifteen kids were successfully treated with Anascorp. Wondering effects were seen with even a small dose of Anascorp. Symptoms of Bark scorpion sting were treated in eight children within 3-4 hours. Patients without Anascrop had to stay longer in ICU before they were declared out of danger.

The trial was started in 2008 and lasted till 2010. 200 children were treated with the anti-venom drug. Trial is longest believed to be the longest running anti-venom trial. An approval based on such unusual trial is also a remarkable one in the history of FDA.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Greater Muscle Mass Lowers Risk of Diabetes Type 2

Link between muscle mass and insulin resistance has been confirmed in a study at University of California. It is found that low muscle mass may lead to poor insulin resistance and can eventually result in diabetes type 2. Pre-diabetics are always recommended to lose weight in order to cure diabetes.

New research sheds light on importance of muscle building. This has eliminated major cause of worry for overweight pre-diabetes patients when they are asked to lose weight. People with higher than normal sugar level but, below diabetic sugar level are known as pre-diabetics.

Research included 13,644 participants. People with greater muscle mass (with respective to their body size) were found resistant to insulin and at lower possibility to develop diabetes. Clear conclusion was that greater muscle help keep diabetes type 2 away.

Findings clarifies that weight loss is not the only remedy to prevent diabetes. Being fit is equally important and good fitness helps to develop more insulin resistance. Dr. Preethi Srikanthan, a lead researcher, of a survey named as U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III.

Until now, BMI (Body mass index = ratio of height and weight) was being determined to calculate risk of type 2 diabetes. Dr srikanthan and team studied SMI (Skeletal Mass Index) against risk factors of diabetes type 2. They found that SMI is inversely proportional to diabetes risk factors. Means, diabetes factors were low in people with higher SMI. 10% increment in SMI decreased insulin resistance and pre-diabetes condition by 11% and 12% respectively