Saturday, May 26, 2012

Prostate Health Diet for Complete Wellness

A proper diet is what is very important to lead a healthy living. Especially for men, prostate health should be taken care of. The glands are very sensitive and should be specially taken care of with providing proper nutrition through incorporating healthy diets and routine.

The basic ingredients required for a complete prostate health is adequate consumption of Beta-sitosterol, it is the core element that is available in natural herbs like saw palmetto and pygeum. It has got the abilities to boost prostate health through providing complete nutrition that makes it healthier. The quality component is also present in sugar cane pulp, which serves as the best solution that reduces the causes of prostate enlargement.
Natural elements work best
Fish oil or flax seeds, it is the best nutritional element that helps to nurture overall health. These oils contain omega 3 and omega 6 nutrients helping to maintain prostate health to the core. Even, olive oil and vegetable oils are also loaded with omega 3 nutrients, which protect the cells with anti-inflammatory properties. Soy food, have also been showing positive effects on overall prostate health as these elements contain the effective elements of photo estrogen. Even ionic minerals serve as the great nutritional benefit for foods serving powerful for ranging complete prostate health which also can affect one’s sexual health such as erectile dysfunction drugs in men and sexual dysfunction in women.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Diabetic Diets, Blood Sugar Control Diet

It is a condition in which the blood sugar becomes abnormally high. A proper diet, however, can effectively control this condition. A Diabetes control meal, along with prescribed medicines, is the key to manage fluctuation in sugar levels. Patients will face difficulty managing their this health disorder if certain foods are consumed. The main aim of meal is to control the glucose without diabetes drugs, so as to allow the patient to lead a healthy normal life.

Reducing sugar intake is the best way to decrease high sugar levels,and this can be easily accomplished through a meal to control diabetes. There is no doubt that a diabetic diet is one of the best ways to control sugar elevation. Health complications in this disease, such as kidney problems, can also be easily averted if a prescribed food is followed. A controlled diabetes meal has the capacity to slow down the increase of sugar levels, thus allowing the patient to live without worrying about sugar levels.

Control with Exercise
Exercise for diabetic patients is as important as following a diabetes control food. Daily exercise for about 30 – 60 minutes can go a long way in controlling the disorder. Many people with this issue strictly follow an exercise routine to keep diabetes related health problems at bay. Physical activities such as walking, bicycling, and jogging are some of the most recommended exercises for diabetics.

Erectile Dysfunction Techniques

Avoid High Sugar Foods
Bringing diabetes under control without avoiding high sugar content foods is simply not possible. People suffering from this health condition need to be aware of foods containing high amount of sweet stuff. Eating less sugar is a must for diabetes. Limiting sugar intake is what is expected in the diet to control the disease.

Foods that are high in sugar are:

  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Sugarcane
  • Concentrated fruit juices
  • Canned fruits
Diabetes and Other Disorders

Related Diabetes Reading

Friday, May 11, 2012

Unknown Eating Disorders List

Eating disorders are not limited to just eating too much food or gorging and overeating. It goes way beyond and there are have been many more such syndromes which haven’t got the limelight that they deserve and before it becomes grave issue, it is vital to know them to ensure that you are not facing any of these or if you do then take right step to stop it now.

Night Eating Syndrome: The name explains itself. Person suffering from this disorder will never ever eat in the morning due to the guilt of over eating the previous night. They may wake up in the middle of night feeling awfully hungry and would eat anything that they can lay their hands on. It is said to be the biggest culprit behind obesity which is like a red carpet for all the life style syndromes.

Orthorexia Nervosa: This one is an abnormal obsession with eating healthy and good food. They worry about how the food was made, is it high in nutritious value and how much to eat, etc. When you become a healthy food addict then it becomes an issue of concern. Everyplace that you go would definitely not be as hygienic such apprehensions and obsessions may create problems in your personal life.

Pica: It is about people having craving for some weird food items that one would otherwise think as gross.
Acuphagia – Yearning to eat sharp things
Amylophagia – Yearning for eat washing powder
Cautopyreiophagia – Yearning for eat burnt matches
Coprophagia – Yearning to eat faeces
Geophagia – Yearning to eat soil
Lithophagia – Yearning to eat stones
Mucophagy – Yearning to eat mucus
Pagophagia – Yearning to eat ice
Plumbophagia – Yearning to eat lead
Trichophagia – Yearning to eat hair
Xylophobia – Yearning to eat wood
Hyalophagia- Yearning to eat glass
Saponaceous- Yearning to eat soap

Nocturnal Sleep Eating:
Nocturnal Sleep Eating is to do with people who it in semi conscious state of mind thinking where they are simply not aware about have they eaten in the last meal or have they eaten a meal at all. It is commonly found in people who have high intake of sugar and fats and suffer from severe anxiety and anger pangs.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Effect of High Cholesterol Level on Heart

To understand high blood cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol), it is important to know more about it. It is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. Your body needs some to work the right way. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. It is also found in some of the foods you eat. Your body uses it to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. Too much, can be serious. People with high blood cholesterol have a greater chance of getting heart disease.

This disease on its own does not cause symptoms; so many people are unaware that their cholesterol level is too high. It can build up in the walls of your arteries. This build-up is called plaque (plak). Over time, plaque can cause narrowing of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis), or hardening of the arteries.

Special arteries, called coronary arteries, bring blood to the heart. Narrowing of your coronary arteries due to plaque can stop or slow down the flow of to your heart. When the arteries narrow, the amount of oxygen-rich blood is decreased. This is called coronary heart disease (CHD). Large plaque areas can lead to chest pain called angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh). Angina happens when the heart does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood. Angina is a common symptom of CHD. Some plaques have a thin covering and can burst (rupture), releasing cholesterol and fat into the bloodstream.

The release may cause your blood to clot (and study has also proved that cholesterol drugs can reduce blood clots). A clot can block the blood flow. This blockage can cause angina or a heart attack. Lowering your cholesterol level decreases your chance for having a plaque burst and cause a heart attack. Cholesterol lowering drugs may also slow down, reduce, or even stop plaque from building up.

Bones and Bone Cancer, What You Should Know About

It is derived from the bone – primary bone cancer – is rare. It is relatively uncommon compared with secondary or metastatic cancer. It can also develop their bone structures, such as bone marrow and connective tissues. With modern methods of treatment, the outlook in many patients is significantly improved. There are three types:
  1. osteosarcoma – become a growing bones, usually between the age of 10 and 25.
  2. Chondrosarcoma – Begins with the cartilage, usually 50 years of age
  3. Ewing’s sarcoma – begins in nerve tissue in the bone marrow of young people, after treatment of another condition with radiation or chemotherapy.
Cancer cells, causing problems that make bone. Tumors occur most commonly in children and adolescents and are less common in older adults. Parents of this disorder in adults is most often the result of metastatic spread to another tumor. The primary it is unknown, but hereditary factors, environmental factors, trauma or excessive radiation therapy may be mostly due to bone cancer involved. Multiple myeloma may also affect bones. The incidence of this disease is higher in patients with Pagets disease, degenerative disease.

The first symptom is usually pain or tenderness near the bone. It due to stretching of periosteum is a cancer, or by stimulating nerves inside the bone. It can be difficult to distinguish. The usual low back pain or arthritis. In general, it due to metastasis is fairly constant, even at night. It may worse in various positions such as standing up, which packed the weight of cancer in which the bone. If it continues more than a week or two, does not seem to be going away, and unlike other pain that can be seen, it would be evaluate a doctor. Pain and tenderness is influenced bones. It is often dull and local, and often in night. Swelling or less detectable tumor mass, or around the primary tumor site. (swelling does not usually happen metastatic tumor.) greater susceptibility to fractures (such as healthy cells are replaced by a malignant them). Other Symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of cancer. Surgery is often the most important treatment. Other treatments may include amputation, chemotherapy and radiation.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Symptoms of Arthritis at a Glance, a Summary

It is a chronic, inflammatory type of arthritis. It is also classified as an autoimmune because certain immune cells malfunction and attack a person’s own body. Rheumatoid arthritis typically begins in middle age, but children and young adults can also develop the disease. RA is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints and may cause inflammation of other tissues in the body.

The immune system consists of the cells and proteins in our bodies that fight infections. An autoimmune disease occurs when our immune system doesn’t recognize part of our body and attacks it as if it were an invader such as a bacteria or virus.

People of all races and ethnic backgrounds can develop RA. Symptoms which are commonly associated with this disorder include: Joint pain, Joint Swelling, Joint Stiffness and warmth around the affected joint. Morning Stiffness which lasts for one or more hours. Symmetrical pattern of affected joints, meaning the same joint on both sides of the body is affected (e.g., both knees). Small joints of the hands & feets are characteristically involved, although any joint can be affected. Rheumatoid Nodules (firm lumps under the skin), found on elbows and hands of about one-fifth of rheumatoid arthritis patients Fatigue and noticeable loss of energy.

Flares & remission of disease activity is characteristic of this disease. Most people who develop RA are between the ages of 20 and 60, if you fall outside of this age range it makes the diagnosis less likely. The most common joints to be involved are the fingers, hands, wrists, and feet.

Often, people with this disorder may also complain of general fatigue, weakness, low-grade fever without an obvious source of infection, decreased appetite, weight loss, and/or muscle pain.  People with RA typically will complain of difficulty performing tasks of daily living such as writing, preparing food, grasping a cup, getting dressed, and turning a doorknob.
Oral arthritis drug and celebrex

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blood Pressure Drugs Reduce PTSD Symptoms

Some blood pressure medicines have been found helpful in treating stress post trauma, says a research study.

PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms were reduced when patients took medicines such as cozaar or diovan. Drugs of class Angiotensin 2 Receptor Blockers prevent action of receptors of angiotensin 2 enzyme.

The research outcome is significant one because it paves the way for new path to proceed on to develop treatment for PTSD. This is the first study that has linked blood pressure drug to psychological disorder such as PTSD. Dr Kerry Ressler is the author of the study. Dr Ressler is professor at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, psychiatry department.

Experts caution the result did not demonstrate cause of the effect, rather just establishes link. Also, a clinical trial would require to compare efficacy against placebo. The study has been published on reputed journal, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

check the study details here

5,000 patients participated in study. All the patients had had severe PTSD symptoms because of traumatic incident such as sexual abuse, physical abuse or experiencing violent incidents, when the study was conducted.

500 out 5000 people were subject to one incident that left them traumatized. 180 people met conditions to be diagnosed with PTSD. 26 patients were already taking blood pressure drugs of either class ARB or ACE inhibitors.

Symptoms of PTSD are characterized by behavioral pattern such as avoidance, hyperarousal and intrusive thoughts. Occurrence of these symptoms was recorded to calculate score for PTSD symptom. Higher score indicate higher severity.

The score found reduced by 30% in patients who are on Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers or ACE inhibitors. To be specific, ACE inhibitors and ARB drugs lowered intrusive thoughts and hyperarousal. No change in score was reported for those who were taking other types of antihypertensive drugs.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Diabetes In Children, Difficult To Treat, Says Study

Some diseases were known as elderly diseases. Those diseases were blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and diabetes & its complications such as glaucoma. But this no longer remains truth for today. Cases of Diabetes in young adults are growing. According to a report, every year 4000 young people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in USA. Matter of concern for experts is diabetes is difficult to manage in young people with currently available diabetes drugs treatments.

The investigational study included 700 obese children. All the children were below 17 and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 46% diabetics did not respond to most effective treatment to maintain sugar level. Generic Glucophage  along with weight loss plan or Metformin with other diabetes drugs such as generic Avandia could not controlled sugar level in those patients. They all were then given insulin injection.

Conclusion of the study has been published on reputed online journal, New England Journal of Medicine. Study result was also discussed at Pediatric Academic Societies.

Check study here

Little or nothing was known about which treatment should be used to address diabetes in youth because Diabetes was almost non-existent in children - according to Dr Lori Laffel. But now is different scenario. Dr Laffel is heading pediatrics department at Joslin Clinic. A group of experts at the clinic has conducted this study. Goal of the study was to see whether diabetes drug (with highest efficacy rate) and rigorous weight loss plan helps children to avoid insulin injection in order to maintain blood glucose level.

Outcome of the study was disappointing. Metformin (alone) did not work well in 52% patient and they had to take insulin injection. 47% people who received weight loss therapy with Metformin and 39% people with metformin plus avandia had to switch to insulin therapy respectively.