Link between muscle mass and insulin resistance has been confirmed in a study at University of California. It is found that low muscle mass may lead to poor insulin resistance and can eventually result in diabetes type 2. Pre-diabetics are always recommended to lose weight in order to cure diabetes.
New research sheds light on importance of muscle building. This has eliminated major cause of worry for overweight pre-diabetes patients when they are asked to lose weight. People with higher than normal sugar level but, below diabetic sugar level are known as pre-diabetics.
Research included 13,644 participants. People with greater muscle mass (with respective to their body size) were found resistant to insulin and at lower possibility to develop diabetes. Clear conclusion was that greater muscle help keep diabetes type 2 away.
Findings clarifies that weight loss is not the only remedy to prevent diabetes. Being fit is equally important and good fitness helps to develop more insulin resistance. Dr. Preethi Srikanthan, a lead researcher, of a survey named as U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III.
Until now, BMI (Body mass index = ratio of height and weight) was being determined to calculate risk of type 2 diabetes. Dr srikanthan and team studied SMI (Skeletal Mass Index) against risk factors of diabetes type 2. They found that SMI is inversely proportional to diabetes risk factors. Means, diabetes factors were low in people with higher SMI. 10% increment in SMI decreased insulin resistance and pre-diabetes condition by 11% and 12% respectively
New research sheds light on importance of muscle building. This has eliminated major cause of worry for overweight pre-diabetes patients when they are asked to lose weight. People with higher than normal sugar level but, below diabetic sugar level are known as pre-diabetics.
Research included 13,644 participants. People with greater muscle mass (with respective to their body size) were found resistant to insulin and at lower possibility to develop diabetes. Clear conclusion was that greater muscle help keep diabetes type 2 away.
Findings clarifies that weight loss is not the only remedy to prevent diabetes. Being fit is equally important and good fitness helps to develop more insulin resistance. Dr. Preethi Srikanthan, a lead researcher, of a survey named as U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III.
Until now, BMI (Body mass index = ratio of height and weight) was being determined to calculate risk of type 2 diabetes. Dr srikanthan and team studied SMI (Skeletal Mass Index) against risk factors of diabetes type 2. They found that SMI is inversely proportional to diabetes risk factors. Means, diabetes factors were low in people with higher SMI. 10% increment in SMI decreased insulin resistance and pre-diabetes condition by 11% and 12% respectively
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