Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sleep Apnea Treatment Helps Diabetes and Blood Pressure

A study has been carried out to check effect of sleep apnea treatment on blood pressure and diabetes. The study was done only on men. Experts found that blood pressure lowered in men who were treated with positive airway pressure. Study result is available online at Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

All kinds of blood pressure patients are expected to be benefited including patients of chronic diseases, according to Dr Bharati Prasad - head of research study. A prospective study on sleep apnea patients with other chronic diseases should be done.

The study was participated by 221 men who were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and also having type-II diabetes or high blood pressure. All the patients were treated with CPAP therapy i.e. positive airway pressure.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers were reduced at the beginning of the PAP therapy, and between 3 to 6 months afterward, and during the second follow-up period between 9 to 12 months later.

Systolic and diastolic pressure were reported lower after starting PAP therapy. The level further reduced after 3-6 months of the therapy and after 9-12 months.