Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ovaries Transplantation: Menopause and Pregnancy At Your Wish

Women would be able to have pregnancy even after menopause and whenever they want. Ovaries transplantation would help women to get pregnant after menopause.

Three cases of ovaries transplantations have been remarkably successful. Three women who had ovaries transplantation gave birth to 7 babies naturally.

The transplantation is believed to be major breakthrough in human reproduction. It will give flexibility to a woman about when she wants to get pregnant, just like fertility pill.

In first case of the three cases, reproductive tissues of a woman were stored and planted in same woman later. In two cases ovaries were tranplanted. Ovaries were taken from identical twin to avoid any possible rejection.

The technology not only provides flexibility on time of pregnancy but added an option for women to prevent menopause and delay pregnancy. Ovaries are believed to remain effective till seven years.

Stinne Holm Bergholt was diagnosed bone cancer and was recommended to undergo chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy severely damages fertility, ovaries of Stinne was taken off before cacner treatment. The ovaries were then transplanted back into her.

Chemotherapy leaves patients with severe side effects. It can significantly change patients’ lives after treatment, specially in women.

Dr Sherman Silber of Infertility Centre of St Louis, Missouri is the author of the research study. Result of the study has been online at Reproductive Biomedicine Online. A plan is being mulled over by British authorities to offer women (in their twenties) to store and freez their ovaries to be used on later date.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Depomed May Lose Exclusive Rigths on Gralise

Actavis Group has notified Depomed Inc regarding approval from FDA to market generic version of Gralise. Depomed has confirmed the notification. Gralise is once a day pain reliever rx medicine. Depomed possesses exclusive patent rights for Gralise. Approval of Gralise generic version may be trouble for Depomed.

Stock price of Depomed reacted with sharp 3.5% down, though, daily stock price were up by 22%.

However, chief executive of company is confident to retain exclusive marketing rights of popular orphan drug.

As per the law, Depomed now has 45 days to object approval for generic of Gralise. Company can prevent FDA to approve generic version for another 30 months if approval is in violation of patent law.

The company rejected some of the claims by Actavis as invalid or unenforceable when it is about infringement of Gralise patent.

Gralise is pain killer medicine to treat long-lasting pain such as postherpetic neuralgia. Other pain reliever medicine like generic Celebrex can treat short term pain. It works with unique delivery system which relieves pain for longer duration.

Another drug for which Depomed enjoys exclusive rights is Glumetza. It is type 2 diabetes medicine.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Human Clinical Trails To Bears With Omni Bio

Omni Bio Pharmaceutical Inc. a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, declared the idea of commencing new human clinical trails to test the ability of Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) for the medication of Type 1 diabetes and Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD).

Experiment at Omni Bio aimed at placebo-controlled Type 1 diabetes in anticipating clinical trial to analyze on young subjects. The company intends the principle human clinical trail as the treatment of lethal impediment of bone marrow transplantation, which is also called as GVHD. To fund these trails the company will have to arrange funds but it is not guaranteed that it will be successful in case to raise investments.

Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes concluded with a new Type 1 diabetes trail that builds on initial research from latest full proof of principle Type 1 diabetes was successful, said Dr. James Crapo, Omni Bio’s Chief Executive Officer.

Preventing of GVHD has associated with the treatment of Type 1 diabetes as both are safe disease. AAT treatment GVHD assured in animal models.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Zioptan, FDA Approved Treatment for Glaucoma

WHITHOUSE STATION – Merck commonly called a MSD in United States told that Food and Drug Administration has given green signal to ZIOPTAN(TM). ZIOPATAN is used in to deduce the effects of elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with Ocular hypertension. The FDA approved the medication after there was a two year clinical research of almost 905 subjects. The clinical research it was found that ZIOPTAN has IOP lowering effect. Merck has told that ZIOPTAN will be sold to customers till March.

Information about the ZIOPTAN
ZIOPTAN makes alterations in pigmented tissues. The pigmentation has increased in iris pigmentation, periorbital tissue, and eye lashes. The ZIOPTAN should be used with caution with aphakic patients as high risk is involved in it. The further study needs to be done whether pregnant women should be allowed to take ZIOPTAN. The fetus may in any way be in danger due to the use of ZIOPTAN the researchers are dealing with that issue. The pediatric patients are barred to use ZIOPTAN as there is long term implication associated with that kind of patients.

Recommended Usage of ZIOPTAN
The recommended dosage is one drop of ZIOPTAN in conjunctival sac of eye of patients daily in the evening.

Agreement among Merck and Santen It was on 15, April, 2009 that both the pharmacy company collaborated together for Tafluprost. Merck has commercial rights in North America, South Africa, Western Europe, Middle East, Australia and many more area around the world. The Santen handles the market in places like Germany, countries of Asia Pacific, Northern Europe and many more.

Information regarding Merck and Santen
The Merck is a huge world wide healthcare company. The Merck works with more than 140 countries to give them health solutions. The Santen Is a pharmacy company which has its base in Osaka and works in fields ophthalmic, eyesight, and health.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

FDA Approves Once a Week Type 2 Diabetes Drug

An application was filed for approval for its weekly diabetes medicine named as Bydureon, a product of Amylin Pharmaceuticals.

Finally FDA has approved the drug. Bydureon is type 2 Diabetes drug to be taken once a week.

Unlike other diabetes drugs such as generic Actos, generic Amaryl and generic Avandia, Bydureon is in injection diabetes medicine. A manufacturing division located at 8814 Trade Port Drive will be producing these injections.

Amylin announced about the approval given on 27th January by FDA. Company has planned to launch the drug in February 2012. Diabetes patients can expect to see the drug in pharmacies in mid February 2012.

Bydureon (exenatide) is receptor agonist for glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) which improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients. Efficacy of Bydureon is said to be best when administered with proper diet and exercise. Diabetes Medicines

Amylin first launched its manufacturing plant in 2009 and for Bydureon it received, along with other companies such as Lilly and Alkemes, response letter from FDA on April 23 2010. By the time US FDA approves the drug, Amylin launched the drug in Europe Commission which got approval in 2011. Bydureon is also in approval queue in Asian countries like Japan.

Industry experts are happy that finally long acting diabetes drug will be available to millions of diabetes patients in USA. Eyes are on how the drug is going to perform in market.

Amylin is however is not planning to hire more staff because of approval as current staff unit is already manufacturing Bydureon for European market. As USA approval was soon expected, company employees already had increased production.

According to company current numbers of employees are ample to meet demand and it is prepared to hire new people if demand increases.

Embryos Growth Could Pedict Risk In Pregnancy

Scientists have found link between miscarriages and overall growth of embryo in the 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, which leads two ways to have treat such tragedies.

A study found around 80 percent of embryos pregnant women who concluded with miscarriages involved fetus with restricted growth in the session of 3 moths.

This study will predict those mothers at risks.

Dr. Shyamaly Sur stated as in Daily Express that restrict growth in embryos in early stage of pregnancy would relate to subsequent miscarriage.

This system will ensure those pregnancies at risk of miscarriage . The team measured the length, more then 500 single and twin embryos conceived through IVF during the first 12 week of pregnancy, a study revealed .
In Vitro Fertilisation ( IVF ) mothers could determine the exact gestational age. The baby’s full length from top to bottom was recorded from ultrasound scan.

Researchers found that 78 percent of single embryos pregnancies which miscarried were growth restricted, where as 98 percent of those haven’t miscarry were not growth stunted. Only 29 percent of poor growth leads to miscarriages.

Abnormality of the fetus or something in the environment of womb could be the reason as to why embryos show restricted growth in early stage of pregnancy. A study is going on to investigate miscarriages more in detail.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sanofi and Selecta to Develop Food Allergy Treatment

Selecta, a USA- Massachusetts, based company has announced to develop immunotherapies for treating life-threatening allergies caused by food. SVP (synthetic vaccine particle) platform will be used to identify and develop a compound.

Nanoparticles will be developed with the help SVP technology, an immunotherapy platform developed by Selecta. These particles would help in balancing over response to specific antigens and thereby producing immune tolerance.

The license of the compound to be used in immunotherapy will be possessed by Sanofi, a french pharmaceutical giant. Also, Sanofi will have an option for two additional compounds for treating food allergies caused by specific aeroallergens or food. Atarax

Selecta, in return, will get an estimated $300m for one allergen indication of total three immunotherapy compounds.

Sanofi is pharmaceutical giant in immunology and vaccines. Selecta is happy by collaboration with Sanofi to develop commercial pharmaceutical products using its SVP technology.

A safe treatment with higher efficacy which targets specific antigen is needed to stop inappropriate immune reactions by body immune system. The treatment would be useful in development of other treatments for which immune response is problem such as lysosomal storage disease.

The SVP technology restores balance in body immune systems. It does that by developing tolerance in immune systems for specific antigens.

Although the focus of the co-operation is different from other co-operations between pharmaceutical companies and technology firm, the structure of the pact is somewhat similar i.e. to allows firm to access library of the compounds. This is the third such pact. Pacts between GSK and Chiromics, Novartis and MorphoSys are examples.