Women would be able to have pregnancy even after menopause and
whenever they want. Ovaries transplantation would help women to get
pregnant after menopause.
Three cases of ovaries transplantations have been remarkably successful. Three women who had ovaries transplantation gave birth to 7 babies naturally.
The transplantation is believed to be major breakthrough in human reproduction. It will give flexibility to a woman about when she wants to get pregnant, just like fertility pill.
In first case of the three cases, reproductive tissues of a woman were stored and planted in same woman later. In two cases ovaries were tranplanted. Ovaries were taken from identical twin to avoid any possible rejection.
The technology not only provides flexibility on time of pregnancy but added an option for women to prevent menopause and delay pregnancy. Ovaries are believed to remain effective till seven years.
Stinne Holm Bergholt was diagnosed bone cancer and was recommended to undergo chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy severely damages fertility, ovaries of Stinne was taken off before cacner treatment. The ovaries were then transplanted back into her.
Chemotherapy leaves patients with severe side effects. It can significantly change patients’ lives after treatment, specially in women.
Dr Sherman Silber of Infertility Centre of St Louis, Missouri is the author of the research study. Result of the study has been online at Reproductive Biomedicine Online. A plan is being mulled over by British authorities to offer women (in their twenties) to store and freez their ovaries to be used on later date.
Three cases of ovaries transplantations have been remarkably successful. Three women who had ovaries transplantation gave birth to 7 babies naturally.
The transplantation is believed to be major breakthrough in human reproduction. It will give flexibility to a woman about when she wants to get pregnant, just like fertility pill.
In first case of the three cases, reproductive tissues of a woman were stored and planted in same woman later. In two cases ovaries were tranplanted. Ovaries were taken from identical twin to avoid any possible rejection.
The technology not only provides flexibility on time of pregnancy but added an option for women to prevent menopause and delay pregnancy. Ovaries are believed to remain effective till seven years.
Stinne Holm Bergholt was diagnosed bone cancer and was recommended to undergo chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy severely damages fertility, ovaries of Stinne was taken off before cacner treatment. The ovaries were then transplanted back into her.
Chemotherapy leaves patients with severe side effects. It can significantly change patients’ lives after treatment, specially in women.
Dr Sherman Silber of Infertility Centre of St Louis, Missouri is the author of the research study. Result of the study has been online at Reproductive Biomedicine Online. A plan is being mulled over by British authorities to offer women (in their twenties) to store and freez their ovaries to be used on later date.