Friday, April 23, 2010

Quit Smoking: Most Effective 10 ways to Quit Smoking

So, you are a smoker. You just can't stop smoking cigarette, but, you regret after you finish the stick. You just don't like the smoke smell from fingers, and you resolve to give up smoking. Wait! Don’t give up in such a way. Your body might develop 'Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome'. Anger, Depression, anxiety, impatience, difficulty concentrating, craving, insomnia and restlessness are symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. There is a way to give up smoking without developing any syndrome. Experts have figured out pleasant and easy to implement ways to stop smoking. Let’s have a glance at some of the DOs and Don'ts.....

=> Stay in clean and fresh air climate. Arrange fragrant flowers. Fragrance would amazingly delight your mind.

=> Stop going to smoking zone. Don't stay at the place where one can smoke.

=> Drink lots of water. Keep water bottle with you. Keep taking one or two sips continuously. The reason a person is enticed to smoke is the existence of nicotine in body. Water will flush out nicotine (Most & Highly Recommended).

=> Stop having beverages associated with smoking like alcohol, coffee and tea. These beverages encourages mind to smoke.

=> Idle time is best time a smoker thinks of smoking cigarette. Keep mind busy in liked activities. Discussion or watching television.

=> Hold pencil or pen like cigarette if you miss style and sensation of holding cigarette.

=>Start using public transport service if habituated to smoke while driving car or play favorite track or music to divert mind.

=> Use herbal cigarettes like nirdosh.

=> Take smoking session medications: There are couple of medicines which manufacturer claims to help quit smoking (such as zyban). These medications are prescription only. These pills aide to quit smoking, but alone pills won't work without will.

=> Keep handy eatables like kishmish or chewing gum (Smoking session gum is also available)

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