Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some Quick Facts on Cancer & Its Type

Mouth cancer, breast cancer, blood cancer (Chronic leukaemia) are some of the types of cancers we have heard of. The fact is, there are more than 100 types of cancers. Cancer can develop to any part of the body. No body part is above cancer. HIV positive patients may catch skin cancer known as kaposi's sarcoma, liquid secretion cancer, cervical cancer. Six different types of cancers can occur in eyes. There are two types of breast cancer.

Types of Cancers

Thyroid Cancer

There are four types of thyroid cancer. 1) papillary 2) medullary 3) anaplasticand 4) follicular. High cholesterol, 40+ age, first six months after pregnancy, severe depression, continuous contact with litium can cause thyroid cancer.

Appendix Cancer

Appendix Cancer (Appendiceal Carcinoma) found in rare cases. In most cases \n appendix cancer spreads out of the appendix. Surgry is very difficult and its \n treatment is rare too. 10 cms long appendix is believed to be almost useless organs in body. Five types of cancers can develop in appendix.
Malignant Carcinoid, Mucinous Adenocarcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Adenocarcinoid, \n and Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma. Surgery is the only well known remedy for appendix \n cancer.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is fastest growing cancer in the world. Can be found in both \n male and female, yet rare in male. Surgery, chemo therapy, radiation therapy and \n vaccine therapy have been used so far to treat this cancer. Female death toll caused by breast cancer is the second largest in the world.
Not necessarily develop in breast only but can also develop outside of breast. Breast cancer can infect lungs which may result into lung cancer.

Lung Cancer

Unwanted formation of lung cells or tissues causes lung cancer. Tobacco intake for long period of time, constant company of smoker, interaction with radon gas (very rare case) and pollution also leads to develop lung cancer. Genetic factors plays important role for those who have taken tobacco for short period of time.
Two basic types of lung cancers are seen: 1) Small cell cancer also called \n oat cell cancer 2) Non-small cell cancer (most common lung cancer, with 70%).
Non-small cell cancer has been divided into five category depending upon appearance of cells
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Large cell carcinoma
  • Adenosquamous carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Undifferentiated carcinoma
According to World Health Organization estimates 1.4 millions (and growing) death each year by lung cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is believed to 'totally male' cancer. Prostate cancer surviving person feels pain during urination or sexual intercourse. This cancer poses danger to the born of new baby.
Vitamin E and celenium deficiency or excess of vitamin D may invite prostate cancer. Nickol masa was the first to identified this cancer in 1536. Other family members must be wary if any of the members found this cancer.

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer starts within any of the artery or vein in kidney. Mostly found \n in small children. Kidney cancer develop before age of five.

Fact File about Cancer

58 millions people were reported died in 2007, out of which 13% i.e 7.6 millions deaths were because of cancer.
Lung cancer, Intestine cancer and liver cancer are the top three cancer causing death in male.
Breast cancer, lung cancer and intestine cancer are most deadly for fmale.
Cancer is treatable if diagnosed early.
Tobacco is number one reason to cause cancer.

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