Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is (DIN) Drug Identification Number by Health Canada?

What is a DIN?

DIN or Drug Identification number is unique number given by Health Canada to any product with therapeutic effects, including vitamins and supplements. The DIN number is 8 digit number generated by computer system. The number is allotted only after health and safety assessment by Health Canada. It can be seen on drug label prescription.

A DIN of each product indentifies six properties of respective drug. Properties are Manufacturer Company, name of active ingredient, name of product, amount of active ingredient (strength), form (liquid or tablet or capsule) and method to take (such as oral or injection)

When is a DIN issued?

Assigning DIN is final step in order to allow product in market. A drug product receives, after authorization, DIN number from Health Canada which is like a license for the drug itself. Review is strict for a drug product which is completely new (i.e. it does not have any earlier market history). Such products require NOC (Notice of Compliance) along with DIN.

What is DIN intended to?

A DIN indicates to consumers that the product has been reviewed and its safety and effectiveness have been assessed by medical experts. Any drug in market without DIN is violation of Canadian law.

From administration point of view, DIN makes it easy to update particular drug or pull the drug from market or inspect.

Is that assigned to Prescription medicines only?

DIN is printed on both OTC (Over the Counter) and prescription medicines.

Does DIN have any secret mean?

No. DIN does not have any secret information or meaning. It is generated randomly by computer system.

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