Psychiatrist usually recommends not taking mental disorders lightly. Disorders such as depression should be treated or it may result in severe form.
Depression can ruin one’s life as depressed person cannot concentrate on work or study, feel sorrow, worried without valid reason to worry and no lost interest in activities.
Severe or chronic depression is something one cannot get rid of easily. Depression is like diabetes, patient just can’t drop sugar level by just following steps given in book. Depression requires proper drug treatment along with psychotherapy.
Dr James Barbee, a psychiatrist in New Orleans, is using new method to treat depression. The method is called TMS ot Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
In this therapy, magnetostatic fields of particular intensity or frequency are aimed at prefrontal cortex for 37mins. Prefrontal cortex is part of brain located on left hand side. Dysfunction of that area of brain causes depression, proven in research study. Targeting this area of brain brings changes mood.
This new therapy is proof that depression is not problem of personality, but, is a dysfunction of part of the brain.
Brain image taken after the therapy showed remarkable changes in brain. The part of brain, which regulates concentration; decision and emotions, reported to be more active than before the therapy.
Barbee says at times he’ll ask patients if they’re feeling any better, and they don’t notice a difference.
Relatives found patient jollier and more expressive. Dr Barbee has said he would periodically ask patients whether they feel better and signs of improvement.
Dr Barbee, keeping outcome of therapy in mind, compares new treatment to powerful anti depressant drug, Prozac. depression drugs
Half of the total number of patients who received this therapy from Dr Barbee have experinced significant improvement.
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